
Monday, June 24, 2013

Bethanyism #25

Happy Monday!!!

Did everyone have a good weekend? 

I know I did! My newphew's birthday was this weekend and we had fun celebrating!

But now it's Monday and I have a new Bethanyism for you to ponder...

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

Between two evils, I always pick the one I've never tried before.  - Mae West

This weeks quote goes hand in hand with last weeks quote, which was about living life to the fullest. 

I have a tendency to be a comfort creature and can easily slip into a rut, where I'm doing the same things all the time. 

Lately, I've been forcing myself to try new things. Whether it's something simple like reading a book outside my usual genre or something bigger like going to a gathering where I only know one person. I'm trying to meet new people, experience new things and trying things I've never tried before. 

I mean, isn't that what life is all about? The experiences? 

What do you think about this weeks quote? 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Bethanyism #24

It's Monday!!! 

Which means I have a new Bethanyism to share with the world!

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

I'll look back on this and smile because it was life and I decided to live it.

I've had several conversations with people lately about doing things that scare you. I've personally had a desire to do something that scares me (think skydiving, swimming with sharks, or other death defying stunt). One of my friends just wanted to know why. 

My reason is simple. 

I do not want to get to the end of my life, to look back and regret the things that I didn't do because they scared me. I want to take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way, even if I have to give myself a little pep talk before I did it. 

Matthew had a way of talking me into doing a lot of things, and I always found myself going along because he was right there next to me, and I knew I would be okay. 

Now that he's gone, it's time for me to be a little bold all on my own. 

What do you think about the quote for this week? 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Bethanyism #23

Happy Monday!!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! Here's a new Bethanyism for you to ponder.

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

If the universe tried for billions of years it would not be able to create another exact copy of you.    Go dancing or something.

The quote I used for this weeks Bethanyism just makes me smile! Every person that walks on this planet is unique in some way. They are a collection of different beliefs, ideas, quirks, mannerisms, and traditions. There might be a lot of similarities, but no person on this earth is exactly like another. I think sometimes, when people are trying to do what is popular or what people expect of them, that they forget that they don't have to be like everyone else. 

So go dancing or something! 

What do you think about the quote for this week? 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bethanyism #22

Happy Monday!!!

Can you believe it's June already? I feel like it was just January! 

Here's my latest Bethanyism for you to ponder!

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

there are certain types of people, who come around every once and awhile, and we don't know why but they tell us stories, and we grow attached, and they feel like magic, in the way they tear down our walls so easily. And whether we want to admit it or not, we realize that sometimes our soulmate lies in more than just one person.

I know that I've posted Bethanyisms before about this very idea (here) but I keep finding quotes that I love about it. 

I honestly believe that a soul mate does not have to be a romantic thing. It can be, but it doesn't have to be. I feel like a soul mate is someone that you have a deep connection with that you simply cannot explain. The understand you on a deeper level, just as you understand them. And because they can understand you on that deeper level, they see the things that you hide from the rest of the world, the things you struggle with that you don't want anyone to know about, your secrets. They know and love you in the truest sense of your self. 

I'm lucky enough to have a few of these people in my life. 

So yes, I believe that it's possible to have more then one soul mate. 

What do you think about this week's quote?