
Friday, March 18, 2011

Who says that Money Can't Buy You Friends?

Today was a wonderful day and even though I didn't really get a lot done, I did accomplish a few things, which makes me pretty happy since I have a very busy weekend planned. 

One of the things that I set out to cross off my list was butterflies for a wreath that I'm planning to make, probably in the next week. So I set off to Michael's on a mission and a 40% off coupon that expired tomorrow (!), which since I'm busy tomorrow meant that it had to be used today. 

I found my butterflies and was happy that they were only $4. 

But wait, that's not really worth using a my 40% coupon on. They were so cheap. 

That's when I started wandering. I wasn't really sure what I really needed to buy. Because of my earlier errands I already had everything else I needed to make my wreath, and the super cool secret project that I'm working on for my brother's birthday present. (Which of course I will share with you once it's been given to him so that he won't sneak on here and spoil the surprise. I'm convinced that he secretly reads this blog, he just won't tell me about it) 

And that's when I found her. 

Isn't she awesome!!! 

When I came home I was super excited, and ready to show my Amazing Boyfriend what I had purchased with my 40% off coupon.  And when I showed ABF my totally awesome purchase his response was, "Don't you already have a glue gun?"

Way to rain on my parade, dude. 

But now I have a new partner in crime who is going to help my make my wreath in no time. I'm going to have to think of a name. I'm up for suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. I love Matthew. I would just like to put that out there =)


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