
Thursday, May 26, 2011

NO, I Don't Want Cheese With My Whine...


I feel like such a slacker!!! 

I was looking at my blog today and noticed that for the month of May that I have less blog posts then I did in April. 

For some reason this made me feel bad. Like I'm a big slacker. Like I've been ignoring this little bitty blog and I really haven't. Or at least I've tried not to. 

I do projects all the time. Some of them are slightly different versions of things I've shared on here already, so I don't want a lot of repeat posts. Some of my projects that I've finished I am waiting to share because they are for events that haven't happened yet or are gifts for people that I know read this blog (yeah, Brandy, I am talking about you!) and I don't want them to see what I made them before I give it to them. 
The other reason that I've been such a slacker this past month is kind of a good reason. 

For those of you that are new to this blog, my Amazing Boyfriend was diagnosed in February with cancer. He's currently being treated at the VA hospital in Portland, Oregon, which is about an hour drive from where we live. We moved in with his Mom and StepDad, who graciously offered to give us and our dog Luna a free place to live while we are dealing with this whole ordeal. 

Although his diagnosis is terminal, chemotherapy has been going well and ABF has been doing a LOT better then when he was first diagnosed. He's starting to gain some weight back and has been a little more active. He also gets bored being at home all the time, and since he voluntarily gave up his driving privileges because of all the medicines that he's on, I drive him wherever his little heart desires. Lately, he's been wanting to get out of the house whenever he has a chance, so I spend a LOT of time driving him all over the place. I am also a main source of his entertainment, so between working, driving him to appointments and running errands, and making sure he, our dog and myself are taken care of, something just get put on the back burner. 

Like this blog...
And I feel really bad about that. Because I feel like in the short time that I've had this blog I've learned a lot. I've met some really cool people. I love sharing some of the projects that I've done and I love getting inspiration from other blogs. I love all the sweet comments and positive reactions that I've received. I try to respond when people leave me comments, but I don't always have a chance. I apologize for that and hope that no one thinks that I don't care, because I do. 

So thank you to everyone who reads my blogs. Thanks for all the sweet comments. Thanks for following along with me through this journey. And thanks for reading this really long ranting post. 

P.S. Tomorrow is Amazing Boyfriend's birthday and the post about the present I made him is scheduled to post just after midnight. I'm not gonna lie, I'm kinda excited about it. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm gonna steal that picture w/ the saying! I have a few friends who seem to think when I need someone to talk to that they're obligated to do something about my issue about which I'm venting. Nope - just need an ear to bend!

    I know this is an old blog, but remember - you have my number if you ever need a soundboard :)


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