
Monday, November 21, 2011

I Made Something Pretty & There Are Already Bets On Who's Gonna Ruin It...

Doilies seem to be a popular crafting trend this year. 

I found these fall themed doilies at the dollar store and knew they would be perfect to create a beautiful Thanksgiving tablecloth. 

 I think it turned out better than I pictured it in my head! 

I just took a natural toned tablecloth that I bought at Target, dazzling metallic paint from DecoArt and fabric paint medium, and used the doilies as a stencil. It took me about 4 and a half hours to complete with a short lunch break with Amazing Boyfriend somewhere near the end. 

And before any of you ask, yes, those are make up sponges that I used, because I realized that I didn't have any sponge brushes just before I laid all my supplies out. 

Hey, sometimes you have to rock what ya got! 

I also covered the table I was working on with plastic before I started, because even though I didn't use a lot of paint, it bled through a little bit.

I'm so pleased with how everything turned out, and my Mom is really happy with the end result. And I'm so happy that I got some good pictures of my pretty table cloth before one of my nieces and/or brothers spill something on it. 

Because in my family that's bound to happen.

Did you notice my pretty centerpiece? 

I'll show you guys how to make it on Wednesday. Super easy, I promise! 

I'm sharing this project at the following link parties: 


  1. Such a great idea! Looks so effective, hopefully it wont have too many spills on it!

  2. So pretty! You could do this for any season and have an instant cheerful table! Thanks for sharing at the Head to Head Showdown! ~Jen

  3. I love it! What a fun and simple way to make something beautiful.

    Jaymie @

  4. Wow that is really cool. Thank you for sharing and for linking up to last weeks show and share party. Please come back this week and share your latest project with us.

    A mommy's life...with a touch of yellow


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