
Friday, February 17, 2012

Let The Randomness Continue!!!

The other Bethany over at Sweet Bee Buzzings decided to share some randomness with her readers and I decided to continue the randomness and share some of my randomness with all of you!

Eleven random facts about myself: 

1. I love Star Trek. ABF discovered that all the seasons of Next Generation are on Netflix and started watching them from the beginning, and I found myself watching them too. I'm officially hooked!

2. I usually find myself attracted to famous people (movie/tv stars, musicians, athletes) with dark hair and dark eyes. I find this amusing since ABF has blonde hair and blue eyes.

3. I don't like it when people shorten my name. My name is Bethany, not Beth, so unless you're family (or a select few, you know who you are), please call me Bethany.

4. The Oregon coast is my favorite place in the world. When I die, I want to be cremated and have my ashes spread there. 

5. Win or lose, I'm a Portland Trailblazer fan! I might have wavered a little during the "jailblazer" era, but I still love my team, and the game, especially if it's being played in the Rose Garden (which happens to be my second favorite place in the world.)

6. I mainly started my Twitter account because my brother started telling me about all the Blazer players that I could follow. (Yes, it has been mentioned that I'm a little obsessed!)

7. My favorite movie is Little Women. And it makes me cry EVERY SINGLE TIME I watch it.

8. I don't like the taste of beer. Before ABF got sick and not able to drink alcohol, he was a beer connoisseur. He even made his own homebrews, and he made me try every single one, but I've never found a beer that I actually like.

9. I don't tan. I have super fair skin, and I burn very easily, so sunscreen and aloe are my best friends during the summer. Technically, I do tan, but nobody can ever seem to be able to tell when I do have a tan, because I'm still super pale.

10. I own over 75 pairs of shoes. Last year when we moved, I donated about 15 pairs to my cousins garage sale, but I still have 2 large totes and a large laundry basket full. (I guess that's what I get for being a shoe salesperson.)

11. I think I might be the only person in the world that is not a fan of Starbucks coffee. I will drink it in a caffeine-weak moment, but to me it tastes too syrup-y.

These are the questions posed by (the other) Bethany and my answers: 

 1. What is the first craft you remember making? The first craft I remember making is when my grandmother taught me how to cross-stitch when I was five.

2. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Does coffee count? I actually really like bagels and cream cheese for breakfast.

3. Would you rather spend a day with an insightful kid or a wise old person? I'm a lover of history and I feel like older people have so many fascinating stories to tell.

4. Would you/have you ever ridden a motorcycle? Given the amount of people that I know that ride, I've never ridden on a motorcycle. I would ride one, but the only person that I'd trust to ride with would be my Dad.

5. Cats or dogs? Do I really have to choose? They're both so cute!

6. What's a fashion look you'd love to try but don't think you could pull off? over the knee boots - I'm a petite person and any time I've tried on a pair they look like they're trying to swallow my leg

7. Do you bite your nails? only if I break one and don't have fingernail clippers handy

8. Quilts or afghans? Why? Ugh, this is a really tough one because both can be so beautiful. Probably afghans, but mainly because I come from a family of knitters and crocheters, so that's what I'm used to having around.

9. If you could have dinner with a celebrity (movie star, politician, etc.) who would it be? Colin Morgan from Merlin, although between his good looks and adorable Irish accent I'd be drooling more than I'd eat!

I love this guy!
10. What was your favorite class in high school? This is a tough question, I really enjoyed choir while I was in school, but I had some really amazing literature classes that I loved! (Man, I sound like such a geek!)

11. If you could splurge on one thing right now, what would it be? The rational side of me would say a new camera (because I seriously need one!) but I keep having dreams about these Jessica Simpson pink suede high heels that I'm having trouble ignoring :)

I dream about these...

Let the randomness continue: 

 I'm not going to "tag" 11 people, like you're supposed to, but if you want to play along, write a post with 11 random facts about yourself, answer the 11 questions below and write 11 new questions for others to answer and post it all on your blog. Let me know if you play along and I'll come check out your post.

Here's my 11 questions: 

1. What is your most treasured possession?

2. Coffee or tea?

3. If you could be an extra on any TV show, what show would it be?

4. what is your favorite way to spend your weekend?

5. If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

6. what did you want to be when you "grew-up" ?

7. what is your favorite childhood memory?

8. If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would you live?

9. Traditional books or e-readers? why?

10. Favorite flower ?

11. Favorite vacation you've ever been on?

Now I'm off to do some crafting, hopefully with better results than my last few endeavors!

1 comment:

  1. Oooo it's so much fun to see other people's answers! I don't like Starbucks either! People look at me like I'm crazy, but it's just too much :)
    Your answers match some of my own -it must be in the name!


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