
Monday, February 4, 2013

Bethanyism #5

Can you believe that it's February? 

I feel like the year just started. 

Since it's the first Monday in February, a month that is dedicated to love, you might notice a theme... that lasts all month! 

For those new readers you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

Here's the first Bethayism for February!

Soulmates? I think they exist. Just not always romantically. I think there are certain people you will meet in your life who you just connect with more then anyone else and you just know it isn't a typical thing and you understand each other perfectly. And this person won't always be your "significant other." I mean, it would be your friend or sibling or parent or teacher or the person that you're dating or whoever, it could be just about anyone you've ever interacted with.   

Okay, I know that this quote is a long one, but it's something that I've been recognizing lately. Life is all about connections. Connecting to other people, and keeping those connections alive is what makes us feel human. Those connections are what make us feel love, and sympathy, and pride, and anger, and hurt. Sometimes you meet people that you just feel an instant connection with. You can't explain it, sometimes not even to yourself, but that connection is something that you hold the most dear. I've found these connections in a few of my closest friends, which none of those are a romantic relationship. 

What do you think? 

Is is possible to have a soulmate that isn't a romantic relationship?



  1. Hi, Bethany

    I love looking around your lovely blog. What a creative fish you are. : ) Thank you so much for stopping by my blog last week. I really appreciate it very much. I enjoyed your blog and I am a new follower. Have a lovely week.


  2. Very true! You'll see a post from me very soon on similar lines. I intend to connect with more people through blogs (to start with, at least). On a hunt for like-minding people ;)
    Glad you are already on my list :)


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