
Monday, July 15, 2013

Bethanyism #27

Happy Monday!!!

I have a new Bethanyism to share with the world...

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

Sometimes the things we can't change end up changing us.
I was having a conversation with a friend recently about telling new people things about my life. It's awkward when you meet new people and they start asking you about a husband and kids, etc. People have a tendency to get really uncomfortable when you try to explain that your husband has passed away and that you don't see children in your future because you are still grieving and just trying to take life one day at a time. I always hate these conversations for a few reasons. The first reason is I really don't like making people feel uncomfortable. The second reason is that I don't want anyones pity. And the third reason is, that I don't want Matthew's death to define me, but I want people to understand that I am who I am because of the effect that he had on my life.  

It doesn't seem to matter how well you handle life situations. In some way, big or small, those things that you go through, the things that you survive, end up changing you. They significantly effect you, but it's entirely up to you whether or not those situations define you.

What do you think about this weeks quote?


Monday, July 1, 2013

Bethanyism #26

Happy Monday!!!

And for those of you in the US, an early Happy Independence Day! 

Man, I have a hard time believing that it's July already. Time is just flying by!

But I do have a new Bethanyism for you to ponder! 
For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

That's the thing about people who mean everything they say. They think that everyone else does too. - Khaled Hosseini

I try my hardest to be an honest person. I might try to soften that truth to save someone's feelings, but I'm still going to tell you the truth. 

Recently I've had someone in my life that has been dishonest with me. Luckily, it wasn't in my close group of friends, but I still took this dishonesty pretty hard. And after going some thinking about the situation I realized that I hate being lied to, mostly because I'm honest with everyone else. 

Unfortunately, you can't really do anything about someone that decides to lie to you, but you can make the decision to not trust them anymore, or even cut them out of your life completely. Because if you can't trust your friends, who can you trust? 

What do you think about this weeks quote? 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Bethanyism #25

Happy Monday!!!

Did everyone have a good weekend? 

I know I did! My newphew's birthday was this weekend and we had fun celebrating!

But now it's Monday and I have a new Bethanyism for you to ponder...

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

Between two evils, I always pick the one I've never tried before.  - Mae West

This weeks quote goes hand in hand with last weeks quote, which was about living life to the fullest. 

I have a tendency to be a comfort creature and can easily slip into a rut, where I'm doing the same things all the time. 

Lately, I've been forcing myself to try new things. Whether it's something simple like reading a book outside my usual genre or something bigger like going to a gathering where I only know one person. I'm trying to meet new people, experience new things and trying things I've never tried before. 

I mean, isn't that what life is all about? The experiences? 

What do you think about this weeks quote? 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Bethanyism #24

It's Monday!!! 

Which means I have a new Bethanyism to share with the world!

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

I'll look back on this and smile because it was life and I decided to live it.

I've had several conversations with people lately about doing things that scare you. I've personally had a desire to do something that scares me (think skydiving, swimming with sharks, or other death defying stunt). One of my friends just wanted to know why. 

My reason is simple. 

I do not want to get to the end of my life, to look back and regret the things that I didn't do because they scared me. I want to take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way, even if I have to give myself a little pep talk before I did it. 

Matthew had a way of talking me into doing a lot of things, and I always found myself going along because he was right there next to me, and I knew I would be okay. 

Now that he's gone, it's time for me to be a little bold all on my own. 

What do you think about the quote for this week? 

Monday, June 10, 2013

Bethanyism #23

Happy Monday!!!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! Here's a new Bethanyism for you to ponder.

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

If the universe tried for billions of years it would not be able to create another exact copy of you.    Go dancing or something.

The quote I used for this weeks Bethanyism just makes me smile! Every person that walks on this planet is unique in some way. They are a collection of different beliefs, ideas, quirks, mannerisms, and traditions. There might be a lot of similarities, but no person on this earth is exactly like another. I think sometimes, when people are trying to do what is popular or what people expect of them, that they forget that they don't have to be like everyone else. 

So go dancing or something! 

What do you think about the quote for this week? 

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bethanyism #22

Happy Monday!!!

Can you believe it's June already? I feel like it was just January! 

Here's my latest Bethanyism for you to ponder!

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

there are certain types of people, who come around every once and awhile, and we don't know why but they tell us stories, and we grow attached, and they feel like magic, in the way they tear down our walls so easily. And whether we want to admit it or not, we realize that sometimes our soulmate lies in more than just one person.

I know that I've posted Bethanyisms before about this very idea (here) but I keep finding quotes that I love about it. 

I honestly believe that a soul mate does not have to be a romantic thing. It can be, but it doesn't have to be. I feel like a soul mate is someone that you have a deep connection with that you simply cannot explain. The understand you on a deeper level, just as you understand them. And because they can understand you on that deeper level, they see the things that you hide from the rest of the world, the things you struggle with that you don't want anyone to know about, your secrets. They know and love you in the truest sense of your self. 

I'm lucky enough to have a few of these people in my life. 

So yes, I believe that it's possible to have more then one soul mate. 

What do you think about this week's quote? 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Bethanyism #21

Happy Monday!!!

And Happy Memorial Day!

Today I'm spending out in the woods with my dog and my good friend, Timmy, in memory of a birthday that won't be celebrated today, but I have a new Bethanyism for you to ponder for the week.

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

life asked death, "Why do people love me but hate you?" death responded, "Because you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful truth."

Today would have been Matthew's 31st birthday, and with this milestone approaching I have been thinking a lot about life and death and the beauty of both.  

I don't necessarily see life as a lie. It's a possibility. It's a dream. It can be whatever you want it to be, make it whatever you decide you want it to be. It can be a lie, it can be perfect, it can be broken, it can be wasted, it can be fulfilling. 

But in the end, death is the painful truth. Everyone dies. It's concept that humans have been fighting since the beginning of time. We struggle to explain it to children, because even as adults, we struggle to explain it to ourselves. I honestly believe that only in death, can you know the truth. 

What do you think about this week's quote? 

Love it? 

Hate it? 


Monday, May 20, 2013

Bethanyism #20

Happy Monday!!! 

This week's Bethanyism makes me smile a little bit. Maybe it will make you smile, too!

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

"And though she be but little, she if fierce." - William Shakespeare

Having grown up with boys and being good friends with a large amount of guys, I've always been referred to as short or little, even though I'm really not. And most the time, I'm a calm, peaceful person. The problem is, that I have passion. When I get worked up about something, I'll argue for it. I'll fight for it. I get loud, and worked up, and I might even swear to get my point across. 

There are times in my life where I am fierce. 

I love those times. I love being about to be fierce, and passionate about something, whether it be about the people that I love, or an idea that I can stand behind. 

And I always do it with a smile. 

What do you think about this week's quote? 

Are you fierce? 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bethanyism #19

Happy Monday!!!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! I know it was a busy one for me between work and other celebrations for friends and family. 

Here's your Bethanyism for the week!

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

"The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they do not wish to see anyone suffer the way they do." - Anonymous

This week's quote is something that I always seem to struggle with. I never want to see another person suffer, and more importantly, I never want to be the cause or root of hurting another person. Until I found this quote, I had never taken the time to ponder why that is. 

In the wake of Matthew's death, (for those who don't know about Matthew, read on here.) I have talked to a few friends about "the hurt". Losing someone, hurts so much. Although sometimes the hurt is so big that it can't be felt all at once, but in smaller chunks. I am of the belief that hurt has to be felt, and dealt with so the healing can begin. It's a part of the grief process. 

I think it's because of these beliefs that I don't like to see people hurt. I like to help others when I can. All because I don't want to ever cause anyone to hurt the way that I do. 

What do you think about this week's quote? 


Monday, May 6, 2013

Bethanyism #18

Happy Monday! 

Can you believe it's May?! 

It's almost Mother's Day!

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

Every day I become a little bit more like my mother. And I couldn't be prouder!

Since this coming Sunday is Mother's Day, I couldn't resist posting this! 

 My Mom is amazing! I know a lot of people say that about their mom's but seriously, she really is. She's an oncology nurse and takes care of cancer patients, which she's been doing for over 30 years. She also runs a knitting support group for cancer patients. She has 6 crazy kids, 6 adorable grandkids and if you knew my Dad in real life, you'd just declare her a saint for putting up with him for 33 years.

In the last few years, I've noticed things that I do or say that I know came from my Mom. I personally think it's awesome. If I can be half as amazing as she is, then I think I'll turn out okay. 

Are you anything like your Mom? 


Monday, April 29, 2013

Bethanyism #17

I have a new Bethanyism to share with the world.

I guess that means it's Monday!

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

Someday everything will make perfect sense. So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears, and keep reminding yourself that everything happens for a reason.

I am one of the biggest believers of the phrase "everything happens for a reason." I might not always understand the reasons for everything while they're happening, or even after they've happened, but I've found that eventually it will make sense. Life isn't always perfect, but sometimes, even the mistakes and tragedies are for a reason in the end. 

What do you think? 

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Bethanyism #16

Happy Monday!!!

Here's my latest Bethanyism.

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

The most authentic thing about us is our capacity to create, to overcome, to endure, to transform, to love and to be greater than our suffering.

I am constantly amazed by the things that people can overcome. Every person has some sort of hurt or suffering that they have gone through in their life. That hurt is something that influences them, shapes them, changes them. Yet people have a way of rising above. They love, they endure and they create something of themselves. They might still hurt, but by rising above, by creating something of themselves, they are healing themselves as well. 

What do you think about the quote for the week?


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Leavin' On A Jet Plane...

Yup, I will be soon boarding a plane and headed from the "best" coast across the country to Washington DC!!! 
My Mom is going for a work conference but I'm tagging along for the opportunity to visit someplace I've never been before AND something that I'm so excited about... I'm meeting a bloggy BBF in real life!!! 

Mel aka The Crafty Scientist has always been one of the sweetest people that I've ever "met" since I started blogging. We often e-mail each other and she even sent me the sweetest little care package in January to share with me some of her favorite things. I've never met any of my bloggy friends before, but I'm so excited!

I'm also so excited to see our nations capitol! So much history, so much to do and see! I already have the White House and National Mall on my list of things to see, as well as Arlington National Cemetery. I will definitely be taking lots of pictures and posting a wrap up of my trip when I get back. 


So I'm off, but don't worry, I have a few things scheduled for all you lovely people to read while I'm gone. Honestly, you won't even have time to miss me! 

Monday, April 15, 2013

Bethanyism #15

It's time for me to share another Bethanyism with the world... 

I guess that means it Monday!

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

I don't know where I'm going from here but I promise it won't be boring. - David Bowie

Since last October, I've been traveling along what I've called my journey of the heart. I've been trying to open myself up to new experiences and opportunities that come my way, which has led me to some pretty awesome life moments. I don't always know where I'm going, since often times life is spontaneous, but it is definitely not boring. 

When was the last time you did something spontaneous? 

What do you think about the quote for this week? 

Monday, April 8, 2013

Bethanyism #14

I have a new Bethanyism to share with the world... I guess that means it must be Monday!

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

If you sense there must be more. There is more. -Alan Cohen

I love this quote for so many reasons. People have a tendency to live inside their own neat little boxes. They have safe little lives where they are happy and content with themselves, the things they have and the journey they are safely traveling on. 

I was one of those people. 

Until my own neat little box was completely blown to pieces when my other half lost his battle with cancer. 

When you don't know which way is down or up, you start to realize that life is not neat or safe or perfect. When you start to rebuild that life, especially when for the first time ever, all the decisions are entirely up to you, you have to start deciding what you want. 

Do you want to go back to having a safe little life, or do you want more

Have you ever wanted more? 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Bethanyism #13

Happy Monday!!! 

It's time for me to share another Bethanyism with the world!

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

Don't judge my path if you haven't walked my journey.

I believe that every person is in charge of their own journey in life. Whether that journey leads you down a traditional path, an offbeat path or a spiritual/religious path, the journey is completely up to you. Don't let anyone judge you because they seem to think that you are not "walking" on the "right" path. It is not their journey, it is not their life. It is yours! 

Have you ever been judged for the "path" you walk through life? 

Have you ever judged someone elses? 


Monday, March 25, 2013

Bethanyism #12

Happy Monday!!! 

It's time to show you my latest Bethanyism. 

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

As you breathe right now, another person takes his last. So STOP COMPLAINING and learn to live with what you have.

Interesting perspective, isn't it?

I am the type of person who tries to make the best out of what life has given me. My life has had many challenges, many great losses and many things that would make others just want to throw in the towel. Yet, through all the pain and tears and heartache, I can still laugh. I can find joy and beauty in this big beautiful world because I am still alive and breathing. 

So what do you think about this week's quote? 

Are you alive? 

Or just breathing?

Thursday, March 21, 2013

This One's For My Peeps!!!

Okay, I know not everybody likes Peeps.

But how can you resist when they're arranged so delightfully? 

Last year I made a Cadbury Chocolate Egg bouquet and this year I revisited the idea, but used Peep Bunnies instead. 

 I painted the terra cotta pot that I purchased from Michaels before I put the bouquet together. 

Then I put a piece of floral foam in the pot and filled it with gift basket filler. 

Then I went to work putting the peeps onto the skewers and inserting the skewers into the foam to make the bouquet. 

I just kept adding skewers with peeps on them until I felt like I had a full bouquet. 

 I think it's adorable!!! 

Hopefully, the recipients will too!

What do you think about Peeps? 

Love 'em or hate 'em? 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Say Hello To My Little Friend!!!

For my birthday, my clever friend Christie gave me a gift basket with a few of my favorite things. One of the most clever of which was to give me a flower and this little guy. 

(A Fish Who Likes Flowers, get it?) 

Unfortunately, because he's a beta fish, I can't put him in my fish tank with the rest of my fish, so I had to make him his own little home. I reused the glass vase that I used as a candle holder for our wedding, and added a few decorative glass stones from the dollar store. 

Now comes the tricky part... what should I name him? 

Any suggestions are welcome! 

UPDATE 3/21/13: After many helpful and fun suggestions from family and friends, I decided to name this little guy Allons-y! Other noteable favorite suggestions were Poseidon, Fish Stick and Red. 

Bethanyism #11

Happy Monday!!!

To celebrate, I have another Bethanyism to share with the world. 

For those new readers, you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire, make you think or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

"It's impossible," said pride. "It's risky," said experience. "It's pointless," said reason. "Give it a try," said the heart.

The quote for this week has been both a blessing and a challenge for me. I have been having some big dreams lately - some big, scary, life-changing goals that I'm setting for myself. With all the changes in my life lately, with losing Matthew and all the emotional/mental tolls that it has taken on me, it does seem risky to want to move far away from my strong support system. To challenge myself with going back to school. To moving to a big city where I know just a few people. 

But if you know anything about me, I have a tendency, a very strong tendency, to follow my heart. And my heart is telling me to give it a try. 

Have you ever taken a big risk? 

Did it work out? 

Was it a mistake? 

Friday, March 15, 2013

My 30th Year...


Have I mentioned recently that today (March 15th) is my birthday? 

And not just any birthday, but the big 3-0! 

I keep having people ask me if I'm freaking out yet. Freaking out? Why would I freak out? 
Haven't you seen what my past year has been like?
For those of you who are new readers, here's the highlights (or lowlights): 
  • I got engaged after waiting for 10+ years for him to ask

  • I planned a DIY wedding for 200 people in 6 months

  • September 8th, I got married to my best friend 15 years from the day we met

  • My husband and I got to have an amazing 10 day honeymoon at Yosemite National Park

  •  October 7th, my husband passed away from complications of pancreatic cancer

  • Since losing my husband I have visited : Seattle, WA (4 times), Neah Bay, WA, Eugene, OR & the beautiful Oregon Coast

 So here's what I have to say about turning 30.
Getting older doesn't hurt. It doesn't change anything. It's just a number. I'm still me. I still am living my life, picking up the pieces and putting myself back together. I'm learning new things about myself ALL THE TIME! 

Getting older has never really scared me (yeah, we're not talking about the two week freak out before I turned 25), but the way I see it, if you live your life how you want to live it and appreciate every moment you have on this earth, both the good and the bad, then you will have lived a full life. 

That, my friends, if my goal in life. 

To live it. 


Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's My Party And I'll Drink...

My Mom & Dad are throwing me a party for my 30th birthday this Saturday. Lots of family and friends over for good food and of course, a few drinks. 

I decided to make myself a special birthday glass for my party using DecoArt glass paint pens. 

I have a small confession to make. I don't draw. I feel like my drawing skills are extremely limited to stick figures and the like. So I decided for this project to make a stencil out of vinyl and use that for the lettering. 

If you follow me on Instagram then you've already seen a sneak me of this project. If not, follow me here.

Now, this is when my craft fail comes into play. I've never used the DecoArt glass paint pens before, but was wanting to give them a try because it's good to try new things. I was surprised at how fast the paint dried, which was a good thing because I had to do a few coats to get it dark enough to make me happy. 

 The problem was that when I peeled the stencil off, most of the paint came off with it. 

Craft Fail!!! 

However, I was determined to make this work. 

Let's try a different tactic. 

I remade the stencil and used etching cream to etch the design into the mug. Once the design was etched in, I used the paint pens to trace over the etched design and give the mug a little bit of color. 

This time success!!! 

The best part is that once I was all finished with this project I realized that I could have just printed out the design and taped it inside the glass to trace it on. Oh well, maybe next time. 

Now my mug is all ready for my party on Saturday night. I'm sure it's gonna be a good one!