
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Not Everything Is Better In 3D!

Have you seen this picture floating around Pinterest or other blogs lately? 

Such a genius idea, right? 
I thought I could make it better...

So I glittered two of my keys with mod podge and glitter. 

Let them dry. Than I planned on used Mod Podge Dimensional Magic over the top of the glitter. 

 I've never used dimensional magic before but recently got a bottle to play with so I thought I'd try it out and see how it works. 

 So I applied the dimensional magic to both my keys...

And it ran all down the grooved part of the key! I had to use about a dozen q-tips to soak it up and make sure there wasn't any left in the grooves, since I actually use these keys. It did run on the blue key more than the purple key, so the blue key turned out kind of flat because I soaked up so much of the dimensional magic to keep it out of the grooves. 

So I let it dry for a few hours, flipped it over and did the other side (hey, I'd already kinda screwed it up, so why not go all the way), with pretty much the same result. 

Can I call this an almost craft FAIL? 

I'm going to rock these keys on my key ring (mainly because the blue one is my only house key) but I'd recommend sticking with the original glitter idea, since this one turned out really messy.

Although I'm more than willing to try the dimensional magic out on another project, next time I'll make sure to pick something that has beveled edges.

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