
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I Feel Pretty! Oh So Pretty!!!

If you're actually visiting my page and not viewing this through a blog reader, you might have noticed a few changes around here.. 

(No, really! It's different, I promise...)

I've been wanting to make a change for awhile and *gasp* even add a blog button! I haven't ever had one before (I know, I know, bad blogger!) 


I found my way over to The Cutest Blog on the Block and fell in love with their free blog goodies. If you've been looking for a great site to make your blog all cute, I highly recommend them! (No, they didn't pay me to say that, either.) 

I hope you'll bare with my while I work the kinks out and update a few things *cough featured list cough*  In the mean time, take a look around and let me know what you think. Love it? Hate it? (If it's the latter, please be kind.)  

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