
Monday, January 28, 2013

Bethanyism #4

It's Monday! 

Which means it's time to post Bethanyism #4. 

 For those new readers you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

Be at peace, not in pieces.

 This quote has been my theme for the month of January. During the Christmas rush, I took on a little too much and burnt myself out. I decided that after the holidays were over that I was going to take some time for myself, to recharge, to rest, to heal, and to find some peace within myself. I'm still picking up the pieces of my life and making something new and beautiful with those pieces, but to actually be at peace with the fact that I have to put myself back together is such a blessing. I'm not done yet, but at least I know I'm on my way. 

How do you find your inner peace? 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

My Little Valentines

I was walking through Michael's the other day, trying to decide how to use my Christmas gift cards, when I stumbled upon a display that was all set up for the next major "holiday." 

Valentine's Day. 


Matthew was never really a fan of Valentine's Day, but we always did something, however small to celebrate the day. This year is different because it's the first year in a very, very long time that I don't have a Valentine. 

Then I realized, I don't just have one, I have 4... 

These sweet faces are all the Valetine's that this broken-hearted Auntie could need! 

 So I scooped up this package of heart shaped boxes to make little valentines for my sweethearts! 

 And a little Valentine candy for some inspiration...

 I pulled out my paints for the first time in way too long, and went to town! 

 I used my awesome Silhouette machine to cut out sayings graphics for my heart boxes with pink vinyl. 

 Then I applied the graphics to my little boxes.

 After applying the vinyl sayings, I applied a coat of polyurethane varnish to keep the paint from chipping off. 

Once they dried, I was finished.

 Now I have cute little treat boxes to give my nieces and nephew, and even a few extra to give to a few special people I know... now I just have to decide what to put inside. 

Have you done any Valentine crafting yet? 

I'm sharing this project at the following link parties: 

~ What's In The Gunny Sack @ The Gunny Sack ~ Tutorials & Tips Link Party @ Home Stories From A to Z ~ Take-A-Look Tuesday @ Sugar Bee Crafts ~ Tell Me Tuesday @ Him & Her ~ Time to Shine @ A Diamond in the Stuff ~ Too Cute Tuesday @ Funky Polkadot Giraffe ~ Lil Luna Link Party @ Lil Luna ~ Wow Me Wednesday @ Ginger Snap Crafts ~ Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims ~ Wicked Awesome Wednesday @ Handy Man, Crafty Woman ~ Show & Share @ Southern Lovely ~ Creative Juice Thursday @ Momnivore's Dilemma ~ Transformation Thursday @ The Shabby Creek Cottage ~ Wildly Original Link Party @ I Gotta Create ~ BFF Open House Link Party @ The Answer Is Chocolate ~ Delicately Constructed Friday @ Delicate Construction ~ Anything Goes Link Party @ Bacon Time ~ Weekend Bloggy Reading @ Serenity Now ~ Weekend Wrap Up Party @ Tatertots & Jello ~ Free For All @ Young & Crafty ~ Strut Your Stuff Saturday @ Six Sisters' Stuff ~ Show & Tell Saturday @ Be Different Act Normal ~ Think Pink Sunday @ Flamingo Toes ~ Sunday Show Off Linky @ Twigg Studios ~ Sundae Scoop Link Party @ I Heart Naptime ~

Thank you for featuring this project!!!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Bethanyism #3

It's Monday, which means it's time for another "Bethanyism."

For those new readers you can read this post for the explanation on what a Bethanyism is. I post a new one every Monday with the hope that they will inspire or spark some creativity, either in myself or others.

When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, you can let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you.

I LOVE this quote! Everything in life is about how you deal with every situation that comes your way. Bad things happen, even to good people, but it is up to you to choose how you are going to deal with that bad situation. 

My choice is strength... always was and always will be. 
What is your choice? 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Do You Instagram?

I finally get to be cool like the rest of the world... I finally got a smart phone! 

(Actually I got it a month ago, but I'm trying to forget about December in my post-Christmas-retail-worker de-stressing.)

After a little bit of peer pressure, I finally broke down and started using Instagram. 

To be honest, I'm not quite sure how I feel about it just yet, but it's been fun learning something new. 

If you want to follow me on Instagram, find me here at Tattooed_Fish.


Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekly Bethanyism #2

Last week I shared with you my latest creations. Pictures that I like to call Bethanyisms. 

Since starting this blog I've never really had a set schedule for posts or had a theme for the week, but I've decided that it's a new year and maybe time for a change. So I'm going to post a new Bethanyism every Monday! 

 Here's the Bethanyism for week #2!

It is always darkest before the dawn.

Want to know the story behind the picture? 

This is a picture that Matthew took while we were on our beach trip, he took this the morning after we got engaged. While we watched the moon rising that night, I told him that when the moon sets in the morning, it glows a funny color. He wasn't sure if he believed me, so we stayed up all night watching the path of the moon from our oceanfront hotel room. When the moon was setting it became this color, and he managed to capture it. 

Have you ever watched a moon set before?

Do you agree or disagree with the quote? 

Monday, January 7, 2013

What Is A Bethanyism?

Lately, I've been taking a LOT of pictures. I like to carry my camera with me and will randomly take it out and snap away at the world around me. I found that it's been a fun creative outlet for me, and I'm constantly learning new things.

 If any of you follow me on Pinterest, then you'll notice lately that I've been pinning quite a few quotes. Some of them are simply true, some of them are inspirational and many of them are just little pushes of motivation for my every day life. 

In October, I started blending the two of them together. 

Using PicMonkey as a photo editor, I've started taking my pictures, as well as some pictures that others have taken, mostly of myself and Matthew, and adding quotes that I can relate to. Most of them I post on my private Facebook page, but a few have found their way onto my blog posts here, here and there.  

I thought that maybe I'd show you a few more of my favorites. 

The best thing to hold on to in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn

I'm currently in this long and confusing process of figuring out who I am and what I want to do in my life.

We didn't realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun

"She wasn't bitter. She was sad, though. But it was a hopeful kind of sad. The kind of sad that just takes time." - Stephen Chbosky

"I can't promise you that I'll be here for the rest of your life. But I can promise you I'll love you for the rest of mine."

Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find a better one

truth is, I miss you. all the time, every second, every minute, every hour, every day.

People may not always tell you how they feel about you, but they will always show you. Pay Attention.

I'm going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life. - Elise de Wolfe

Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fights battles that nobody knows about. 

I love that moment. When you are on a long car ride, or reading. And you completely zone out, you forget your troubles, everything around you. You are focused on that one thing, you are content, and everything is peaceful...

Every one of these tells a story, invokes a memory, makes me smile, and reminds me of my journey and that I need to keep going. Because it's not always easy, but I know it will be worth it.

What do you do to inspire yourself? Or to spark your creativity? 

Friday, January 4, 2013

Belated Birthday In A Box

This post is about two weeks late... but better late then never! 

*Note: I'm not the worst Aunt in the world, the kiddos did get their present on their actual birthday, I just didn't get around to posting this until now.

For my twin nieces' 11th birthday, I decided to give them a birthday in a box. I found the idea on Pinterest (of course) earlier this year, and knew they would get a kick out of it.  

What might you ask is a birthday in a box? 

Basically it's a large box filled with balloons that have candy, money and/or other small treats inside each balloon. The birthday girl (or boy) has to pop all the balloons to get all the goodies inside. 

balloon pump
anything small that will fit
confetti (optional)

I put the goodies, candy and money into the balloons before I filled them up. I thought about putting confetti or glitter inside also, but decided that I didn't want my sister to kill me, so I opted not to. 

Once I had all the goodies in the balloons I blew them up using a pump, then tied them off and put them in the box. 

Once I had the box filled up, I wrapped each one up and was done. 

I wasn't sure what my nieces were going to think about my gift. I was either going to be the meanest Aunt in the world or the coolest. 

Apparently, I'm the coolest Aunt!

It was really fun to see their faces when I brought in these two big boxes for them, and it was even more fun to watch them pop all the balloons to see what was inside. 

This is definitely an idea I'm going to have to use again! 

What creative ideas do you use/have you used for a birthday gift?

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Lucky 2013, Right?


Happy New Year! 

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am indeed ready for a new year full of new beginnings and new adventures. 

I refuse to believe that 2012 was a bad year. There were some bad things that happened, such as my Dad having to spend most of the beginning of the year in the hospital and my husband, Matthew, losing his battle with cancer in October. 

But some amazing things happened this year... 

 I finally got to marry my best friend. He made me wait 11 years, but it was worth the wait. Our day was perfect and so full of memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. 

 Matthew and I were lucky enough to be able to go on the most amazing honeymoon trip to Yosemite National Park. It was somewhere that he had always wanted to go and it really was the best trip ever! I love knowing that we got to take one last great adventure together.

 Matthew's death has marked the beginning of a new journey in my life. I'm following my heart, wherever it happens to take me. This journey of the heart has led me to be right where I need to be to be able to partake in some wonderful opportunities and new experiences. It has pushed me outside my comfort zone a bit but the lessons that I've been learning are invaluable enough to know that I'm on the right path. 

2012 has truly been a bittersweet year.

But now it's over... 

I think 2013 is going to be a good year. 

I decided that I want to go back to school, so I'm in the process of making that happen. If it goes the way that I'm hoping/working on, then that will mean a big move... to another state. 

In the mean time, I'm spending time with family and friends, I'm enjoying the beautiful things that life has to offer, and most importantly, I'm living. 

 I hope that 2013 is a good year for all of us!