Dear 2011,
I just wanted to wish you a a very fond farewell. You definitely have not been very good to me, 2011, but I do feel like you have taught me so many important lessons so at least I know that you haven't completely been a waste of my time.
This year you have brought cancer to the one I hold the most dear, dreams of a life faded and re-imagined, and the sacrifice of a life that I used to have and will never have again.
This year you have also brought me closer to family that I can count on, a brand new nephew and niece, new friendships and the strengthening of others that I hold dear, and the time with Amazing Boyfriend to make memories that I will hold on to for the rest of my life.
I'm glad, 2011, that I am moving forward and leaving you behind. I sincerely hope that 2012 won't be as big of a jerk to me as you have been.
Love, Bethany