Sunday, May 29, 2011

What Have I Done?!?

I have come to a conclusion: 
I am a glutton for punishment!!! 
The other day, I was looking at my to-do list that I carry around in a little notebook. 
my cute little notebook that I couldn't live without

page 1

page 2

It just about gave me a heart attack. Or maybe just a panic attack. 
Either way, notice that it's quite a list. Two pages! (Okay, just one page front and back but still!) That's because in the next month I have projects that must be done for: Father's Day, a bridal shower, two wedding gifts, a bunch of decor for one wedding, two good friends' birthday presents and the 4th of July. Currently, it stands at 24 unfinished projects.

Make that 25.

Because I just signed up at Craftaholics Anonymous to participate in the summer gift exchange. 

Why would I do such a foolish thing? 

For the following reasons: 
a. I love getting things in the mail. 
b. I love making things for other people!
c. I think this is an awesome way to meet other bloggers and maybe make a new friend
d. the button was just so darn pretty that I wanted to display it on my blog
e. I just really wanted to
f. Did I mention I LOVE getting things in the mail?!!!

Now if any of you awesome people want to sign up for this awesome exchange and get a pretty cool handmade item in the mail, just click on the really pretty button and go sign up yourself.

1 comment:

  1. really.. with a list like that, What's one more small craft?! haha

    This has been everywhere this morning! I so want to partake.. but i'm not sure my gift giver would appreciate a side note saying: Must be received by June 28th or may potentially get lost in the mail.


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